we do not require a full biography or directory page for you to apply, all you need is a blurb or some simple facts on your character to show that you've got a grasp on who you're going to be writing. all characters must be 18+ and they also must be within five years age range of the pb of your chosing. family members or direct relatives to somebody quite famous (musicians, politicans, actors, etc.) are allowed so long as it's played to be believable. absolutely no plagarism, blurring of the ooc/ic lines or godmodding will be permitted. we will allow you to have up to 3 (three) characters in game at one time, asking for you to please be active with them all! you must keep your friends list updated or you will be subjected to removal from the game - we also do not allow <*noembed*> codes in your userinfo just to make everything easier on everyone. please also make sure to double check the taken list to be positive your pb isn't already being used!
there are no update requirements here, we simply ask that you remain active in the subcomm and comment around the friends page, on people's intros and friends only posts. activity will be counted once a month, at which point you can provide us with links to two subcomm posts with at least half (if not more) of the comments answered, seven comment threads of five or more comments or a combination of the above two options. we would rather like to focus on character interaction than who can write the longest or best updates, however what you choose to post as your character is all your own outside of these simple requirements so we say go crazy as far as that's concerned! also, your ic updates can count for activity so long as it's a public entry with most of the comments answered once again.
all play-bys must be at least 18 years of age, please keep ethnical backgrounds in mind when choosing your play-by as well and please keep it realistic. we accept all sorts of play-bys so you don't have to limit yourself there, everyone from actors to musicians and youtubers are welcome here! if you have a question on wether we would accept your play-by, just drop us a comment in the dropbox and we will let you know how we feel. if you would like to bring in a younger character, we are okay with this as long as their 18th birthday is coming up sooner rather than later (think within four months time or less).
intros should be posted within one week of acceptance to ~oakgrove to keep you from being removed from the game! you can post anything you'd like as an intro, however we do encourage the use of questions prompted to get to know the new characters better rather than an intro becoming about the people commenting it. so long as you've posted something in the subcomm and you've answered all the comments on that post, you will be just fine!
as soon as we get more settled and discuss the idea of an activities journal with the rest of the members and what they would like to be a part of that, we will be sharing more info on that here! thank you!